Friday 25 September 2020

Heads or tails.

 This morning my class were going to play out side but it was raining.

instead we played inside and we played heads or tails.

ms king had a plan.

If you dot out of your chair.

and got heads or tails.

Thursday 24 September 2020

 This morning my class were going to play a game outside but it started raining.

Miss King had a plan.

Instead we played a game inside, we played heads or tails.

If you got out you had to sit back down on your chair.

Thursday 25 June 2020


Adding Detail-prepositions

Sentence Unscramble

All of the children  are playing nicely today.
The wind is blowing very strongly outside.
Last night the band played very loudly.
I always try to speak
kindly to friends.
when I ride my bike I
always ride carefully.


On Thursday we had kiwi sport and we got to play on some skateboards. We played tic tac and Mr Wolf, our coach was cool as and he did cool tricks.he taught

Thursday 18 June 2020

Monday 25 May 2020

toy shop Repeated Addition

Unscrambling sentences

I am so happy to be  back at school.
Playing with my friends makes me happy.  
Last weekend I played soccer at the park.
Every night my family watches movies.
I love using my Chromebook at school.

Monday 10 February 2020

all about me

Monday 10th February
My name is Arcaius. I am 8 years old.
I go to Pt England School and I am year 4. My favourite sport is soccer and I like to eat Mc Donald's.